Sunday, April 8, 2018

Major Blog Post #5

This past week, St. Vincent St. Mary HS was on spring break and my head coach gave my student athletes and myself the week off from the weight room.  So on my major project front there is nothing to report other then I will be writing this weeks program today, when I am finished posting here.

What I did want to talk about this week was kind of the side project that I am doing in conjunction with my major project.  Obviously my major project is to develop and effectively implement a high school strength program for a football team.  My side project is developing and effectively implementing a college preparation strength program for my graduating seniors who will be playing football in college. 

In this program, I am able to be much more attentive and detailed because I am only coaching three to four athletes at a time rather then forty.  Each college prep athlete receives a binder to track their progress through this program.  In the binder, I include a meal program, daily workouts, protein and meal shake options, and a spread sheet where I record their progress of body weight and strength gains that they can see daily. 

Picture 1

Picture 2

I have been running this side project for about a month now and have structured it very similar to my major project except with more individualization.  Since I had the whole week off, I had my college prep athletes come in at 3 PM when my high school lift would begin rather then 5 PM when they normally would come in. 

Other then that, nothing much else to report.  I'm off to write this week's program! #staytuned

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